Abstract:The Quanyangou wollastonite large-sized deposit, found in Liaoning Province recently, is situated in the southern tectonic uplift belt of Ji-Hei fold system with Dadingzi and Beiwaizi deposits, which is one of the most important metallogenic belts and main producing areas for wollastonite in China. The orebodies occur in the marble of Paleozoic Fulapuzi rock formation, mainly in four types, i.e. calcite-wollastonite type, wollastonite type, quartz-wollastonite type and calcite-quartz-wollastonite type. The mineral compositions include wollastonite, calcite, diopside, grossular and quartz, with minor pyrite, gold, molybdenum, etc. It is believed that the wollastonite deposits in the area are formed by the magmatic activities in multi-stage and multi-period. The mineralization is concerned closely with the Triassic acidic intrusive rocks. The deposit is of stratabound thermal contact metamorphic type.